The concept

The first digital artworks designed by cats
Also, the first NFT created by cats.
Description of the process:
  • A webcam is placed under a glass table and points up toward the ceiling. A white sheet serving as a canvas is placed on the table.
  • Thereby, thanks to the light coming from above, the camera detects the shadow caused by the cat walking on the canvas.
  • The detected shadow is then transformed into a gray level and filtered above a certain threshold (configurable on the software) to keep only the darkest trace. This trace corresponds to the contact between the paws of the cat and the canvas.
  • Immediately after its detection, the retained trace is colored with the color selected on the software interface.
  • The cat-artist paints in this ways her work with her bare paws until she decides the painting is finished, the human assistant will then be able to save the work.
  • Human interactions thus consist in choosing the color, starting the acquisition of the traces and saving the final work. Some works contain several colors and the transition from one color to another is also done by the human assistant of the artists.
  • Finally, the human assistant also provides treats during the process to stimulate the creativity of feline artists.

The artists

We are French artists,<br/>We are sisters,<br/>We are cats!
We are French artists,
We are sisters,
We are cats!
Floki Floki Floki Floki
Nickname: Kinette
Birth date :
15.05.2015    ♀
  • Talkative: I speak in all circumstances, from morning to night, I often talk about my days to the humans who live in my house and I grumble a lot, without necessarily having a particular reason.
  • Fearful : I hide when there are strangers, thunderstorms, shady noises, suspicious shadows and I often startle, even in my sleep.
  • Sensitive: I am careful to remain delicate and discreet in all circumstances, unless my life is in danger (when I hear the slightest suspicious noise for example).
Favorite color
  • Green : I have an attraction for everything green: green toys, green leaves, green plaids or even peas.
Pixel Pixel Pixel Pixel
Nickname: Pixou
Birth date :
15.05.2015    ♀
  • Sociable : I am often known as the "Clingy" because I really enjoy company and contact; I like to settle down WITH, AGAINST, or ON humans, even if I don't know them well.
  • Pilfering : Always on the lookout for the slightest mischief to do, I never miss one.
  • Gourmet : I love to eat anything that passes by my nose and I look forward the evening candy hour meticulously. My favorite food is bread, so Be Careful if you leave a crust of bread lying around, I will find it."
Favorite activity
  • Moving pom-poms: Every night I hunt pom-poms and other toys, to take them up one by one from the living room to the bedroom, while meowing (and it is not easy to talk with pom-poms in the mouth); of course during the day, I bring them back down.

Description of the collection

The Cat Artists create works in an abstract style that plunges into the world of fantasy and poetry, with the intention of conveying positive emotions, thanks in particular to bright and intense colors.

The aim of their works is to capture moments, transcribe movements or describe scenes that are close to their hearts, allowing the suggestive power of color to act alone, without mixing, combined with exclusively curved, soft and harmonious shapes.

While the art of both Artists is undeniably influenced by the paintings of Vassily Kandinsky, we notice that each of them mixes this inspiration with a different style.

Indeed, Floki creates metaphorical works with little variety of forms and remains extremely abstract in her work. She plays on the unconscious and presents poetic scenes so that the viewer can interpret in his or her own way and can feel his or her own emotions. We can detect inspirations of Kasimir Malevitch's work in her paintings with, among other things, a significant difference consisting in using only rounded shapes.

As for Pixel, her's works often include more recognizable forms and more precise scenes. In fact, there are some realistic elements in her paintings, aiming to capture the first view of the spectator before he or she lets his or her mind and imagination wander through the others more abstract elements of the paintings. We can thus detect inspirations of the work of Joan Miro in that of Pixel.


First step
First step
This work evokes childhood, naivety. The small circles in the center symbolize the first steps of a kitten. They are surrounded by more imposing and colorful shapes representing the family of the baby cat that watches over her. We can only fell a feeling of security and softness in front of this painting.
Making of
This painting can be read in three stages, from left to right we can see the work grow, taking in intensity and power. It then infuses us with a feeling of fullness and irrepressible energy, intensified by the choice of a deep black.
Making of
Tricolor ramblings
Tricolor ramblings
In this deconstructed drawing, the author takes us into her colorful and wacky imagination. She presents to us a central element that we will have to discover and grasp,It has her favorite color: green.
Making of
This painting represents a "baby-cat-sitting" scene, we can see a silhouette of a cat's head in dark blue in the lower left corner. This silhouette seems to keep an eye on the rest of the canvas in which we imagine that cheerful games are taking place.
Making of
I'm Sorry
I'm Sorry
This work can be seen as a confession, a repentance with an omnipresent notion of movement. The left side represents the author who makes gestures from top to bottom, thus trying to erase the stupidities she made, symbolized by the dust spots that spread vertically and fade. This canvas gives us a feeling of compassion and kindness in the face of Pixel's manifest guilt.
Making of
Improvisation in four colors
Improvisation in four colors
With this painting, Pixel wishes to honor her favorite artist, Vassily Kandinsky, by creating a very colorful improvisation, seeking to occupy the entire canvas with a multitude of pigmented forms that let us wander our mind and lose up in our thoughts.
Making of
Gray shadow
Gray shadow
In this painting, the artist wants to make us think by stimulating our imagination. This drawing is therefore subject to viewer\’s personal interpretations. Some will see a distorted shadow of cat, others will find scary faces.And you, what do you see ?
Making of
Praying mantis
Praying mantis
This canvas depicts an artist's fight against a praying mantis that can be seen in the upper left corner. The insect is depicted upside down to make it even more dangerous and evil. This is an action scene in which Pixel shares her sens of pride.
Making of
This scene evokes a sunset behind the mountains, the elements are distored to indicate the state of fatigue of the observer. Moreover, the right part of the work is more obliterated, leaving only a few points to appear, thus symbolizing the reality that fades in order to give way to dreams. The artist equates the sunset with the sleep that follows.
Making of

Video evidence

Videos of the making of each work are available under each painting by clicking on "Making-of" buttons. You can see the two artists creating their works in real time.
- The image on the right of the screen shows what the webcam records, namely the shadow caused by the contact of the cat's paws with the canvas.
- The image on the left of the screen corresponds to the artwork in progress.

These videos were taken in selfie mode, so you can see the paintings being created progressively as a mirror image of the final real works.

What's next ?

This collection will remain unique since artists prefer to innovate in their creations. They will therefore devote themselves fully to the search for a new way of expressing their art and skills. Except for some drafts and sketches made before completely mastering the technique are likely to be put on sale as well.

Goal of the exhibition

With this sale we hope to be able to offer a beautiful Tesla to our human assistants who are also our drivers. Indeed we hate to take the car to go do our vaccine recalls because it is very noisy and uncomfortable. On the other hand, if they were lucky enough to own a Tesla it would make the journey much more pleasant!

Up for sale

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Time before the end of the auction
To sales